Sunday, September 12, 2010

Radeon 5830 watermark issue

Since first install, as soon as I used the Hardware Drivers manager (used to install proprietary drivers after you install Ubuntu) to enable the "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver" for full functionality of my Radeon 5830, I had an annoying watermark in the bottom right corner of my monitor.  It was always on top of everything, even when my power settings made my screen blank after x minutes of inactivity.  Not a serious problem, just gave me that dirty feeling of something being not quite the way it should.  I followed these instructions that I got from the official Ubuntu forums  (thanks to user Temujin) to fix the problem.  Some of these instructions I have paraphrased and some are taken verbatim.  I can not take credit for ANY of it and have simply reposted it in hopes to help someone else.

  1. Download this file to your home directory (~/) or move it there.  This is the control file from Catalyst 10.05.  Others might work, and I don't really know too much about control files.  I just know this one fixed my problem.
  2. Plug these commands into your console blindly.  I know this is generally ill-advised, but I'm telling you it worked for me under Lucid x86 with this particular video card so if you have the same setup and situation, it should probably work for you.
    • cd ~ This changes your working directory to be your home directory, where you have presumably placed the file you just downloaded.
    • tar xzf control.tar.gz This extracts the control file from the tar archive.
    • sudo cp /etc/ati/control ~/control.bak This is just you creating a backup of your original control file.
    • sudo cp control /etc/ati This overwrites the old control file (which you just made a backup of) with the one you've just downloaded.
  3. Log out and log back in to restart the X server.  No watermark?  Hooray!  Watermark still there or all hell broke loose?  Sorry!  Move on to the otherwise unnecessary next step.
  4. If you broke something in following these instructions, then be glad you made a backup because it's a simple fix.  From the command line, type sudo cp ~/control.bak /etc/ati and you're back to the drawing board, watermark and all unless god has intervened.
    The original post can be found here.

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